Two Ways News
Two Ways News
Supporters Club Q&A

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Two Ways News

Supporters Club Q&A

Answering your questions about Genesis and creation, how Christians are judged on the last day, and how Jesus could preach the 'gospel' when he hadn't yet died for our sins.

Dear friends

Here as promised is a bonus edition of Two Ways News just for our Supporters Club. 

A big thank you, first of all, for your support! It costs money to produce Two Ways News each week, and we can only do it—and keep doing it—with the kind support of people like you. Thanks again for being our partners.

Thanks too for sending in a bunch of questions for this bonus edition. Phillip and I recorded a conversation just before Christmas, working through a number of the questions that came in. We didn’t get to all of them. And one or two of them could really do with an episode all to themselves! The ones we did answer in this episode were about:

  • whether we should accept the timeframe of creation as given in Genesis;

  • what the limits of our fellowship should be in terms of church; in thinking about ‘what we stand for’ and ‘who we stand with’, what level of disagreement and difference should we put up with in our churches before it gets too difficult to stay?

  • what sort of judgement Chris…

This post is for paid subscribers

Two Ways News
Two Ways News
Gospel thinking for today, with Tony Payne and Phillip Jensen.