About Two Ways News

Two Ways News is a collaboration between Tony Payne (a writer and ministry trainer with Campus Bible Study at UNSW) and Phillip Jensen (a preacher and trainer with Two Ways Ministries).

We’ve joined forces for this newsletter and podcast partly because we’re old friends and couldn’t resist the opportunity to work together again, but mostly for three important reasons:

  1. Because we’re convinced that the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ sets us free to think and live in the truth, in every aspect of our lives and ministries;

  2. Because that same gospel motivates and equips us to speak the truth to others for their benefit, and a newsletter/podcast is a great way to do this;

  3. Because we’d love to equip and encourage you to do the same—to speak the truth in love in whatever context you find yourself: at home, at church, in the world. We hope you’ll use the newsletters and podcasts as a resource for having encouraging conversations with others. (And that you’ll jump in and join in truth-in-love conversation here as well.)

The easiest way to get the newsletter and podcast each week is to sign up as a subscriber here at the Two Ways News site.

Each week you’ll get an email that contains both the podcast audio (just click on the play button to listen) as well as the newsletter that discusses the same topic. The content of the podcast and newsletter will basically be the same, although the podcast will usually be longer and chattier.

You can also subscribe to the podcast in your podcast app of choice.

You can also read (or listen) to past editions of Two Ways News on the website. Many of those editions will mention ‘The Payneful Truth’— that is what this newsletter/podcast was called until Oct 2022 (i.e. when we relaunched it as Two Ways News).

Freely available, supported by generosity

Subscribing to Two Ways News is free. Just take the ‘free’ option when you sign up and you’ll receive the newsletter and podcast each week.

Of course, putting out this content each week does cost money, and if you’d like to contribute to those costs, you can join the Supporters Club. Most of this money will go towards paying for Tony’s time in editing and driving everything, as well as towards some editorial and admin support.

To join the Supporters Club, choose one of the payment plans that are suggested when you subscribe. (You can change from being a ‘free’ subscriber to a Supporter subscriber at any time, and vice versa.)

As a thank you for your partnership, members of the Supporters Club will also receive:

  • an extra monthly podcast Q&A conversation (with questions from Supporters);

  • invitations to Supporters lunches and zoom catchups;

  • work-in-progress chapters and excerpts from books that we’re writing.

(Paying subscribers to The Payneful Truth are automatically members of the Supporters Club.)

Join the Supporters Club

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Gospel thinking for today, with Phillip and Peter Jensen


Christian writer, evangelist and Bible teacher with Two Ways Ministries.