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Hi Tony,

As always a good article helping us think about the role of the small group leader.

Could I please suggest though that we also need to ask what is the role or place of the small group?

Perhaps this was not the purpose of the article but I think that knowing the purpose of the group will significantly determine the role of the leader.

At my previous church we called small groups "Connect Groups" - the purpose being to help connect people to God and each other.

We would do this by reading and working through a Bible passage, asking "what is God saying to us through his Word" but we also spent time looking to connect with one another through prayer, mutual encouragement, building friendships, trust and support.

The role therefore of small group leader is perhaps like the Ephesians 4 pastor who equips, disciples, "coaches😁" the Saints for ministry and service. This obviously requires a degree of training and coaching and we set aside regular time for that to happen throughout the year as well as having regular unplanned conversations with leaders.

But I think that there is a bigger role happening as well. That is to help align the members of the group with the vision and direction of the Church. It is to help members be on the same page with the vision and direction of the Church, especially in respect of using our time, treasure and talents to grow gospel ministry in and beyond the church.

Hope that this is a helpful contribution to the discussion.


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