Thank you Tony, encouraged that you found my comment helpful and that it keeps pushing the conversation.

Have always been fascinated by the 153 fish 🐟🐟🐟

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Tony, I appreciate this very much because as a mini evangelist, not so young now, it totally amazes me that God would call a fool like me to travel to proclaim the gospel. I am also conscious that although I know my weakness I am still tempted to feel proud when people commit their lives to Jesus (that of course is being a real fool!).

Having said this, I certainly do plan for people to respond to the gospel to the extent that after my talk and prayer of commitment helpers distribute Comment/Response cards. Those who come are invited to mark one, two, three or none of the statements after they have had the opportunity of writing any comments they wish to make: 1) Today I have put my faith in Jesus Christ (or similar words), 2) I would like more information about the Christian faith, 3) I would like to come to the Next Steps event (an invitation is given at the same time giving the time and place for them to discover the next step in their faith).

Make of all this what you will.

With appreciation for your thinking,


Fane Conant

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